
dialog server_x {
  title "Add Server"
  size -1 -1 139 109
  option dbu
  button "O&K", 1, 4 92 37 12, ok
  box "Server", 2, 1 2 137 105
  button "Add Server", 3, 30 10 37 12
  button "Del Server", 4, 30 24 37 12
  button "Connect to server", 5, 72 61 59 12
  combo 6, 72 10 60 50, sort
on *:DIALOG:server_x:init:0: {
alias -l update.server_x {
  did -r server_x 6
  var %temp.count = 0
  inc %temp.count 
  if ( $gettok(%setup.list,%temp.count,44) != $null ) {
    did -a server_x 6 $gettok(%setup.list,%temp.count,44)
    goto start
on *:dialog:server_x:edit:*: {
  if ($did == 6) {
    set $did(6).text
on *:dialog:server_x:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 3) {
    set %setup.list %setup.list $+ $+ ,
  if ($did == 6) {
    set $did($dname,6,$did(6).sel)
  if ($did == 4) {
    set -u1 $+ ,
    set %setup.list $remove(%setup.list,

[[Edit added code tags to preserve Collective's indentation. -Hammer]]

Last edited by Hammer; 28/12/02 04:17 PM.