i have make a mdx dialog i´m not very good in dialog scripting
can you complete the dialog that the dialog works ?
add server
del server
and to connect to the add server
here is the dialog
P.S my english is very bad!

alias mdx_fullpath { return $+(",D:\Programme\mIRC\mdx.dll,") }

alias mdx { dll $mdx_fullpath $1- }

alias mdxinit {
dll $mdx_fullpath SetMircVersion $version
dll $mdx_fullpath MarkDialog $dname

dialog bla {
size -1 -1 385 378
title "Dialog"
button "positioner",1001,0 0 0 0
text "Options",1,4 3 50 17
button "add",2,208 29 54 23
button "del",3,208 55 55 23
button "O&K",4,321 344 55 23, ok
button "Connect to Server",5,271 106 99 23
list 6,4 26 102 342,extsel size
list 7,268 27 102 70,extsel size
on *:dialog:bla:init:*:{
mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1001 positioner minbox > D:\Programme\mIRC\dialog.mdx
mdx SetControlMDX $dname 6 TreeView haslines linesatroot hasbuttons > D:\Programme\mIRC\views.mdx
mdx SetControlMDX $dname 7 ListView report noheader single grid > D:\Programme\mIRC\views.mdx
did -i $dname 6 1 iconsize normal small
did -i $dname 6 1 seticon normal 0, $+ C:\blabbla\g2.ico
did -a $dname 6 1 1 Connect
did -i $dname 6 1 cb root last 1
did -a $dname 6 2 2 Server
did -i $dname 7 1 headerdims 50
did -i $dname 7 1 headertext Server
did -a $dname 7 0 Server

thx for help!