
; custom identifier
; usage: $rc(nick)
; returns a nick split in two, each half colored a random color
; note: because of the use of $rand, the two halves can occasionally end up the same color
alias rc {
  ; determine half-length of nick
  var %i = $int($calc($len($1) / 2))
  ; return the color nick 
  ; $chr(3) = colorcode
  ; $chr(15) = end all control codes
  return $chr(3) $+ $rand(00,15) $+ $left($1,%i) $+ $chr(3) $+ $rand(00,15) $+ $right($1,$calc($len($1) - %i)) $+ $chr(15)

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DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius