md5 is good for login procedures. The security I'm talking about is more evident with an example.

Let's say I have a bot that keeps the user accounts in a ini file (accounts.ini), like this:


To log in to the bot, I'd type: /msg <botnick> login qwerty <mypassword>
To make sure it is me, the bot would have somewhere in the script:
on 1:text:login *:?:{
  if ($md5($3) == $readini(accounts.ini,users,$2)) {
    .notice $nick User $2 authenticated
    &lt;other commands&gt;
  else {
    .notice $nick Invalid password for user $2
This way, the actual passwords are not stored anywhere, so a malicious person who would gain access to my hard drive would have no way to find those passwords, neither by looking at accounts.ini, nor by looking at the script. Even if he obtained the md5 values, they would be useless to him.

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com