I have three questions: Why are you fighting over "fair dinkum" and "color vs. colour"?
Well I don't like that every time I or someone else makes a post with the word "color" in it we get a response of "it's spelled colour." We are aware that in different countries it is spelled differently, does it needed to be pointed out each time we use the word? And as for "fairdinkum" my point was simply that he is complaining people are using the US spelling of words and we should all use "proper" English when at the very same time (as the dictionary entries you pasted point out) he is using Australian English all the time. Meaning, either stop complaining when we do it, or stop doing it himself.

Are you professional English-language grammarians?
I prefer the terms philologist, etymologist, or linguistic historian wink

And if you are, what does that have to do with mIRC (which is demonstrably international)?
I haven't a clue.

Oh and yes I'm sure you meant this in a general sense not specifically to me, however I felt like answering anyway smile