dialog Secure { 
  title "Secure Pm"
  size -1 -1 177 96
  option dbu
  box "Message", 1, 1 3 174 50
  text "Message Text", 2, 5 10 166 40
  text "Nick:", 3, 2 56 24 8
  text "Actual Nick", 4, 26 56 149 8
  button "Accept", 5, 2 82 37 12
  button "Decline", 6, 70 82 37 12 
  button "Permission", 7, 138 82 37 12
  [color:red]button "Close", 12, 113 82 20 12[/color] 
  text "Address:", 8, 2 66 24 8
  text "Actual Address", 9, 26 66 149 8
  text "Hidden Timestamp", 10, 99 3 60 8, hide
  text "hidden msg nostrip", 11, 99 13 46 8, hide nowrap

You might want to resize the button. smile