I haven't had time to figure what exactly does $cplay do, but this code may help you anyway
alias top5 {
  ; Open a hidden sorted window. 
  window -hs @i
  var %i = 1, %a = 1, %top5

  ; Add this info to the window
  ; Each line looks like: <score> <name>
  while $ini(inplay.ini,money,%i) {
    aline @i $readini(inplay.ini,money,$ifmatch) $ifmatch
    inc %i

  ; And retrieve the top 5 lines...
  while %a <=  5 && $line(@i,%a) {
    echo * Place %a - $gettok($ifmatch,2,32) with $gettok($ifmatch,1,32) points.
    inc %a

  window -c @i