hey, i have made a game, which stores the top 5 players bassed on scores, and the way i did it to set the top 5 works great, BUT, if i have X many players, then it wont set the top 5, because the variable is "set %whatever line too long"
This is the code, and what i am looking for is a better way to sort through the scroes, cause if i have 200 players, then the vars will be too long for sure, here is what i have:

alias settop5 {
  cplay -r top5
  var %a = $ini(inplay.ini,money,0), %b
  while (%a > 0) {
    %b = %b $cplay(money,$ini(inplay.ini,money,%a)) $+ $chr(44) $+ $ini(inplay.ini,money,%a)
    dec %a
  %b = $gettok($sorttok(%b,32,nr),1-5,32)
  var %c = 0, %d = $numtok(%b,32)
  while (%c < %d) {
   inc %c
    cplay top5 $gettok($gettok(%b,%c,32),2,44) $gettok($gettok(%b,%c,32),1,44) 

cplay sets in $1 param The $2 param as $3- in an ini file,
$cplay gets the data from the $1 param section, for $2

An example of a few entries in the inifile would be:

An example Of What "%b" Would look like is:

250,nightchillz 200,frank 125,tim

those are in the section [money]

thanks in advance smile

Last edited by NightChillz; 23/12/02 08:50 PM.