Weird post subject, admittedly, but maybe something to think about.

I try my best to be tolerant of people, but have you noticed that the more user friendly things become the more overrun the internet becomes with porn (and not real porn, but links to sites that have links to sites that have links to sites that link back to the first site, all promising porn.... probably. I don't know personally *cough*) and warez and people running around yelling '1 4m 73h 1337 h4xx0r j0' (Its only funny when I say it).
The easier things become, the more illegal content, the more flagrantly ANNOYING content, you will find on the internet. The easier things become, the more you will have to deal with complete and utter lamers on your forums, networks, and channels.

...just an observation. And meanwhile, everyone is talking about how Khaled should make mIRCscript easier with things like dialog studios and such.

I'm not saying that newbies are bad.. we've all been one, right? But even at my noobiest, I wasn't completely and utterly baffled about how to use the /nick command or why Nickserv said my nick was registered.

----If I've offended anyone with this... umm... I probably won't care unless you go get your 1337 700lz and h4xx0r me (another example of what happens when things get easy: script kiddies)

I am the self-appointed God of needlessly complex mIRCscript.