ok.. smile me and my friend that has the other network wil try to ling in the morning.. i need som sleep soon, the time are 03:13.. my eyes are heavy.. crazy thans for all the help..

and one more thing, are you known whit dialogs?
am trying to make a config dialog.. like, type inn your nick
and stuff.. and when you click done it "ect. set $nick mynick...

can you help me whit this one:


dialog config {
  title "The Reactor Script - Configure"
  size -1 -1 160 75
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 35 2 35 10, limit 9
  text "Nick Name:", 2, 4 3 28 8
  text "Alternative:", 3, 4 14 30 8
  edit "", 4, 35 13 35 10, limit 9
  text "Away Nick:", 5, 4 25 28 8
  edit "", 6, 35 24 35 10, limit 9
  text "Real Name:", 7, 4 36 28 8
  edit "", 8, 35 35 35 10, limit 9
  text "User ID:", 9, 4 47 22 8
  edit "", 10, 35 46 35 10, limit 9
  box "Undernet CService", 11, 75 4 78 31
  text "Username:", 12, 79 12 28 8
  text "Password:", 13, 79 23 25 8
  edit "", 14, 108 11 41 10
  edit "", 15, 108 22 41 10, pass
  check "Use CService Login?", 16, 76 36 61 10
  button "OK, done!", 17, 31 61 42 10, flat ok
  check "CService Host?", 19, 76 45 50 10
  button "Sorry..", 20, 89 61 42 10, flat cancel