We the .NET dislikers refuse to accept a Microsoft future.

.NET means I'll have to log into my Microsoft Passport in order to boot my computer.
.NET means everyone will need a hotmail/passport account in order to download and run shareware, as authors will flock to this new method of phone-home 30 day trial crack proofing at the expense of my privacy.
.NET means Digital Rights Management. If I have a file that Microsoft or some corporate, copyright or government body doesn't agree with, Microsoft has the right to remove it from my machine. They're also working on a method that will automatically bill you for mp3s that it determines you downloaded illegally (if you don't insert the original CD to prove rights ownership).
.NET means moving another step away from standards, and into conformity.

Don't even get me started on Palladium.

So Flock... FLOCK to your .NET. While your at it, encourage people to encode their video as WMV and convert their MP3s into WMA, and for heaven's sakes(!!!) stop saving plain .TXT documents... they're totally insecure and impossible to track what computers they've been created/modified/viewed on, so they promote the authoring of illegal and seditious ideas.

See how well you survive in a proprietary world with no open standards.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!