Greetings Collective, Cobra
I've tried multiple adjustments with the ($comchan(nick,1).op) command in that statement and none this far have output any message into the channel at all. The impasse that I have run into is that although the following script command line functions for us via a remote whisper and a main chat channel reply its not giving us the $2 variable.
Again we are specifically needing a remote whisper to the script and a main chat channel reply from the script which anyone in that chat channel is able to see.
on ^*:text:@test*:?:{ if ($nick isop $active) /privmsg $active Host test 1 is successful for $2 ... }
for example @test beta
It fails to pickup on the $2 variable and just posts
Host test 1 is successful for $2 ... }
instead of what we need
Host test 1 is successful for beta ... }
Anyone have any thoughts on how we can get that $2 variable to function in that command for us?
Some of the ($comchan(nick,1).op) we tried and which all failed to post anything are the following.
on ^*:text:test2*:?:{ if ($comchan(nick,1).op) /privmsg $active the following..Host test 2 is successful... }
on ^*:text:test3*:?:{ if ($comchan(nick,1).op) /msg $comchan(nick,1) the following..Host test 3 is successful... }
on ^*:text:test4*:?:{ if ($comchan(nick,1).op) /privmsg $comchan(nick,1) the following..Host test 4 is successful... }
Thanks for your time and consideration,