Presently, I'm using mIRC 6.0 on this machine and it stops at 100 levels (callstack). That is, one alias calling another, each of a different name. When trying just back/forth using aliases named ONE and TWO, It only got to 99 levels.

//var %i = 0 | WHILE ( %i < 1005 ) { inc %i | alias ADEPTH $+ %i editbox -a %i $chr(124) ADEPTH $+ $calc(%i + 1) }

This will generate 1005 aliases, each calling one-another in series. As they call one another, it will display the current level in the editbox. Please post your results here, accompanying your $version number.

//var %i = 0 | WHILE ( %i < 1005 ) { inc %i | alias ADEPTH $+ %i }

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!