Originally Posted by Simo
Would this be usefull Epic to check if nick is actually a chan founder/admin/op/hop/ or already voiced ?
Yes, this can be useful if you need to give the user joining a channel a short time to get/set the channel mode (~&@%+) before the "whois" check starts.

Only in the code you provided there are several errors with identifiers $1 and $2, which do not allow to correctly obtain the necessary data.
In the event handler "ON JOIN" this should be $chan and $nick, and in the alias these are already passed parameters, which will be designated as $1 and $2.

Taking into account your suggestions, I made changes to the script code:
alias -l my_channel { return #Alessandra }
alias -l check_access { if (!$nick($1,$2,!~&@%+)) { .enable #CHECKUSERS | whois $2 } }

on !*:JOIN:$($my_channel):{
  if ($network == MindForge && *MindUser* !iswm $nick) {
    .$+(timerACCESS,$network,$chan,$nick) -m 1 1500 check_access $unsafe($chan $nick)

raw *:*:{
  if ($numeric == 312 && *MindForge* iswm $1-) { .hadd -m cu-network $2 $true }
  if ($numeric == 330) { .hadd -m cu-logged $2 $true }
  if ($numeric == 318) {
    if ($hget(cu-network,$2)) {
      if ($hget(cu-logged,$2)) {
        if ($2 ison $my_channel) mode $my_channel +v $2
      else .notice $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks
      .hdel -sw cu-network $2 | .hdel -sw cu-logged $2
    .disable #CHECKUSERS

I have set the timer value to "1500" milliseconds, you can change this to another value. Psss: 1 sec = 1000 ms.

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