Originally Posted by KindOne
on *:join:#Alessandra:{
  if ($network == MindForge) {
    if (MindUser* iswm $nick) { return }
    whois $nick

; Beginning of whois.
; Set a global variable on the nick.
raw 313:*:{
  if ($network == MindForge) { 
    if ($2 ison #Alessandra) { 
      set %reg_check_ $+ $2 1

; User is logged in, +v them and unset the global variable.
; :Unixverse.MindForge.org 330 TestNick KindOne KindOne :is logged in as
raw 330:*:{
  if ($network == MindForge) {
    if ($2 ison #Alessandra) {
      mode ##test +v $2
      unset %reg_check_ $+ $2
; End of whois.
; If the nick is not registered message them and unset the global variable.
raw 318:*:{
  if ($network == MindForge) {
    if (($2 ison #Alessandra) && (%reg_check_ $+ $2)) { 
      .msg $2 Please, register/identify Your nick! Thanks 
      unset %reg_check_ $+ $2

This send message also if a nick is registered / identified. Maybe because to identify takes about 20 sec. Maybe is better to set a timer on whois?

Last edited by Fernet; 21/06/24 12:36 PM.