In the latest beta, Check for Updates has been updated to perform a direct install:

6.Item 6, added.
This will download and execute the exe specified in update.html
on the mIRC website. The exe is saved to the "updates" folder.
Currently, the exe is the standard install file, set to update
files in silent mode. By default, it will backup existing files,
update mirc.exe, mirc.chm, ircintro.chm, readme.txt, versions.txt,
and cacert.pem, and will perform required updates to other files
where necessary. After the update is complete, mIRC is restarted
and the About dialog is displayed.

Several notes regarding this feature:

1) To test this feature, use the command:

/updatebeta <on|off>

If enabled, the next time there is an automatic check for updates, or if you click "Check for Updates" in the About dialog, mIRC will think there is a new version available and will download the beta installer from the website. The beta installer is versioned 7.76.9999 and installs the same files as v7.76. These will replace your current files, including your beta version of mIRC. You can find the backed up files in the "backups" folder.

2) The downloaded installer can be found in the "updates" folder. This beta installer will not do anything if run directly.

3) Since some users rename their mirc.exe files, the updater uses the name of the executable that initiated the update, ie. if you renamed mirc.exe to mirc9.exe, the updater will update mirc9.exe.

4) If you can, please test this with both a portable install and non-portable install. In both cases, the installer should use the existing setup as expected.

5) An easy way to test this is to create a new, empty folder, place the beta mirc.exe in there with an mirc.ini that has portable=yes enabled, and follow the above steps. The beta installer only updates files in the folder where mirc.exe is located.

Please remember to backup your files before testing this feature. I have tested it here and it seems to be working correctly.

Please post any bug reports for this feature in this thread, and/or confirmations that you tested it and it is working as expected for you.

Last edited by Khaled; 20/01/24 07:53 AM.