Since it sounds like you're fresh into scripting, here's a few tips.
1. Wikichip has a little more detail and examples as a supplement for F1 help if you're going to use timers in your script, be sure to read the link on the right margin about injection
2. In scripts editor, make sure that options/ 'identifier warning' is enabled. It causes $spellingmistake to generate an error so you can fix your script instead of having the fake identifier being $null, which can make it hard to debut your script
3. By default, messages in the status window have "-" lines between them, which can make things be spread out. If you want to get rid of those extra rows, you can change options/other "line separator" to be blank
4. If you want to make it so that you can paste things into the editbox without risking them getting messaged to channel as soon as you paste them, without pressing <enter> -- change options/display/editbox lines to 'automatic'. This can be most commonly caused by the behavior of marking text in the script editor. In most programs, pressing Shift+End highlights through the end of the line without also highlighting the $crlf at the end of the line, but in the script editor the $crlf would be in the clipboard. So if you don't want the $crlf to be clipboarded, you can follow the Shift+End with Shift+LeftArrow
5. Once you start getting a lot of scripts, here's a couple of aliases that can come in handy. /srch alias lets you find a wildcard or regex string by searching all files in the [remote] and [aliases] tabs. While mIRC does have something to search all files, it searches only-the-remotes or only-the-aliases, and it can't find anything in the same file that's on a row above your cursor. Plus, if you have a lot of matches in a lot of files, it can be useful to see a concise listing of the rows where they're found. You can find all scripts where you have an on-text event like:
/srch * :TEXT:
While the editor has something to warn about { mismatch }, it doesn't do the same thing for ((parenthesis) or [[braces]
It defaults to doing wildcard searches, so if you want to find only ON TEXT events having :?: and not :*: or :#channe:, it would be
/srch -r * /:TEXT:.*:\?:/i
Since regex defaults as case-sensitive, I used the /i flag there to make it insensitive.
This will find any tab characters you may still have in a script:
//srch * $chr(9)
The /pairs alias hunts for rows in all scripts where the open/close for parenthesis or braces isn't the same. It's not perfect, as out of an abundance of caution it's triggered by lines containing a smiley containing the unmatched parenthesis and isn't triggered if they're backwards. So lines with unmatched:
/pairs ( ) *
/pairs [ ] *
6. Also at the script site is the font for Fixedsys Excelsior. Many people consider it horrible as a channel font, while others liked it because it had more sizes than normal Fixedsys. But 1 thing it has going for it is that using it as a script editor font lets you see the Ctrl+K color symbol as [c], and same for the ^B and ^O symbols being [b] and [o].
Unfortunately, the ^U ^E ^I codes for underline/strikethru/italic continue to be zero-width invisibles, and the ^R reverse isn't helpful either, and nobody has volunteered to come up with a font that gives a special display for the rest of these controlcodes.
7. You can find scripting help in the #mirc and #mircscripting channels at some of the networks in the new favorites list, though sometimes you might need to wait a while since not everyone is watching 24x7