Here's the final status of "version 1", in case anyone is looking for something like this. Please let me know if you see any problems, issues, etc.

Thanks to everyone that replied - I've learned a LOT from all of you. I also learned to be careful to not use the tab key in the mIRC editor, after chasing the "unknown command" error message for a few hours. I thought my nested if statement was causing it - I must have matched braces 30 times smile

; ***** autovoice: allows users to grab +v when the channel is set to +m (moderated). *****
; 1. This ONLY works in ONE channel at a time. BE SURE to set your own channel name throughout (#mychan by default)!
; 2. The autovoice function Automatically Enables when the channel mode changes to +m, and automatically disables on -m. 
; 3. To turn off the auto enable feature, type /disable #autovoice. To turn it back on, type /enable #autovoice, 
;or right-click in the channel and use the Menu. It's best to leave it on, unless there are errors/problems.
; 4. To immediately change the password, type /voicepassword - any requests in progress will fail due to the new password. 

ON *:START:{ set %voicepassword $regsubex($str(x,50),/x/g,$rand(a,z)) }
ON *:CONNECT:{ if ($network == Undernet) set %voicepassword $regsubex($str(x,50),/x/g,$rand(a,z)) }

alias voicepassword  { 
  return $hotp(%voicepassword $$1, $calc( ($ctime - $timezone + 0*3600) // 3600 ),sha256,6) 

menu channel {
  .Enable AutoEnable:/enable #autovoice
  .Disable AutoEnable:/disable #autovoice
  .Generate New Passsword: /voicepassword
  .set channel +m:/mode # +m
  .set channel -m:/mode # -m

on 1:MODE:#mychan:{

  if $1- == +m {

    ; creates a timer to send a message to the channel about getting voice. Set to 5 minutes. Change the 300 seconds to change the interval. 
    /timerMod 0 300 //msg #mychan The channel is being moderated. To get Voice (+nickname) to talk in channel, please send a message to me, with voiceme as the only text (copy and paste is easiest): /msg $me voiceme
    ; executes the timer immediately
    /timerMod -e 

    enable #autovoice
    ; creates a fresh password - see above
  elseif $1- == -m {

    disable #autovoice
    /msg #mychan Channel Moderation is now off. Everyone can chat again :)
    ; turns off the message timer
    /timerMod off

#autovoice off

;receive the intial voiceme message, do checks, send the password string

on *:TEXT:voiceme:?: {

  ;//echo -s request received
  if $nick ison #mychan && $nick !isvoice #mychan {
    ;//echo -s is on the channel, not voice
    .privmsg $nick Please reply with this text and I will give you voice ( copy and paste for best results. Please include: voiceme xxxxxx ): voiceme $voicepassword($nick)


  elseif $nick ison #mychan && $nick isvoice #mychan {

    .privmsg $nick You already have voice! Your messages are being ignored for 5 minutes. 
    .ignore -pu300 $nick
    /closemsg $nick

  else {
    ;//echo -s not in channel
    .privmsg $nick You are not in channel and will be ignored for 5 minutes.
    .ignore -pu300 $nick 
    .closemsg $nick  
  } ;close if
} ;close on text

on *:TEXT:voiceme *:?: {

  if $nick ison #mychan && $nick !isvoice #mychan {
    ;outer if
    ;//echo -s $1 $2 
    ;//echo -s nick in channel and not voiced 
    ;//echo -s $voicepassword($nick)

    if ($2 == $strip($voicepassword($nick))) {
      ;inner if
      ;//echo -s should have voice here
      .mode #mychan +v $nick

      .privmsg $nick Congrats! You have voice +v and can chat in channel.
      .closemsg $nick 


    else {      
      ;inner if
      .privmsg $nick Sorry, that didn't match. Please copy and paste voiceme and the numbers: voiceme xxxxxx
      .closemsg $nick

    } ;close inner if
  elseif $nick isvoice #mychan {
    ;back to outer if
    .privmsg $nick You silly goose you already have voice! Your messages are being ignored for 5 minutes. 
    .ignore -pu300 $nick
    .closemsg $nick

  else {
    ;outer if
    //echo -s $nick not in channel
    .closemsg $nick
    .ignore -pu300 $nick 
  } ;close outer if

}  ;close ON TEXT

#autovoice end