For our station and chat we use a request system with this request system a chatter can make a request. However, as % you should run the script with !close request !open request !theme set the script. but these commands don't work and I can't find where the error is who help me get the script working again

Normally someone with % || @ || & || I can operate the script with !openrequest, but I can't get it to work, the script continues to work correctly

on *:text:!sluitverzoek*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
if ($nick == [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
set %sluitverzoek. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
.notice $nick Verzoekbox voor # is nu gesloten
.msg $chan 4Verzoekbox voor # is nu gesloten.
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestcount) == on) {
var %verzoeksessie = $($+(%,verzoeksession,.,$chan),2)
.msg # 6 $+ [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ , u heeft vandaag4 %verzoeksessie 6en in totaal4 $iif($readini(Request.ini,$+($chan,., [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),verzoekjes), $readini(Request.ini,$+($chan,., [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),verzoekjes), 0) 6verzoekjes gehad.
.msg $nick 4 $+ [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ ,6vergeet de verzoekserver niet te sluiten!
else { halt }

on *:text:!openverzoek*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
if ($nick == [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
unset %sluitverzoek. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
unset $+(%,verzoeksession2,.,$chan)
.notice $nick Verzoekbox voor # is nu geopend.
.msg $chan 4Verzoekbox voor # is nu geopend.
else { halt }

on *:text:!vet*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
var %brr = $($+(%,brrflood,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)),2)
if (%brr == 1) {
;.notice $nick AntiFlood is enabled 60 secs ignore smile
else {
inc -u60 $+(%,brrflood,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2))
%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $($+(%,brrfloodhour,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)),2)
if (%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == 5) { goto brr }
else { inc -u600 $+(%,brrfloodhour,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)) }
.msg # 10Yeah hoor eens wat een vet nummer dit weer eens is [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ , de vullingen klapperen uit mijn kiezen BRRRRRR xD
if ( [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == Non-Stop) || ( [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $nick) || ( [ $+ [ $chan ] ] isin $nick) || ($nick isin [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || (%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == 5) { goto nopoints }
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestpoints) == on) {
if ( [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ison $chan) {
if (!$2) {
add.pts $+($replace(#, $chr(46), $chr(95)),., [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
.notice [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 6U heeft nu7 $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,., [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),Points) 6punten.
.notice $nick 10U heeft [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 punt gegeven.
else {
add.pts $+($replace(#, $chr(46), $chr(95)),., [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
writeini -n TotalPoints.ini $chan total $calc($readini(TotalPoints.ini,$chan,total) + 1)
.notice [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 10U heeft nu7 $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,., [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),Points) 6punten.
.notice $nick 10U heeft [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 punt gegeven.
else { .notice $nick 10Helaas [ $+ [ $chan ] ] is niet aanwezig, dus ook geen punten. }
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestreason) == on) {
if (!$2) {
if (!$exists($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+( [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))) {
else {
.msg # 10Random reden:4 $read($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+( [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt),n) 10nr:7 $readn $+ / $+ $lines($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+( [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))
else {
if ($2- !isin $read($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+( [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt), nw, * $+($2-)*, $readn)) {
write $+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+( [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt) $nick $+ : $2-
.msg # 10Random reden:4 $read($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+( [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt),n) 10nr:7 $readn $+ / $+ $lines($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+( [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))
else {

on *:text:!thema*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
if (!$2) {
if ( [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == Non-Stop) { .notice $nick 4[ReQuestSystem] Momemteel draait nonstop, dus geen thema ingesteld! | halt }
if ($nick == [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
if (!$readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)) {
.notice $nick Momenteel is er geen thema gezet op # $+ !
.notice $nick Door een thema te zetten, typ $1 set jethema
else {
.msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem] 6Huidige Thema:4 $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)
.notice $nick Wil je een andere thema type $1 set jethema
if (!$readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)) { .notice $nick Momenteel is er geen thema. | halt }
if ($nick != [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { .msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem] 6Huidige Thema:4 $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme) | halt }
elseif ($nick == [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
if ($2 == set) {
writeini channels.ini $chan requesttheme $3- | .notice $nick Thema ingesteld op: $3- | .notice $nick Zet thema uit door $1 del te typen | if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,topic) == on) { sc_topic1 # } | .msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem Automatisch Bericht] 4Let op!! Thema is: $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme) 
elseif ($2 == del) { remini channels.ini $chan requesttheme | if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,topic) == on) { sc_topic1 # } | .notice $nick Thema verwijderd }

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