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Posted By: infinity Need Help Request System - 07/10/22 08:42 AM
For our station and chat we use a request system with this request system a chatter can make a request. However, as % you should run the script with !close request !open request !theme set the script. but these commands don't work and I can't find where the error is who help me get the script working again

Normally someone with % || @ || & || I can operate the script with !openrequest, but I can't get it to work, the script continues to work correctly

on *:text:!sluitverzoek*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
if ($nick == %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
set %sluitverzoek. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
.notice $nick Verzoekbox voor # is nu gesloten
.msg $chan 4Verzoekbox voor # is nu gesloten.
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestcount) == on) {
var %verzoeksessie = $($+(%,verzoeksession,.,$chan),2)
.msg # 6 $+ %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ , u heeft vandaag4 %verzoeksessie 6en in totaal4 $iif($readini(Request.ini,$+($chan,.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),verzoekjes), $readini(Request.ini,$+($chan,.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),verzoekjes), 0) 6verzoekjes gehad.
.msg $nick 4 $+ %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ ,6vergeet de verzoekserver niet te sluiten!
else { halt }

on *:text:!openverzoek*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
if ($nick == %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
unset %sluitverzoek. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
unset $+(%,verzoeksession2,.,$chan)
.notice $nick Verzoekbox voor # is nu geopend.
.msg $chan 4Verzoekbox voor # is nu geopend.
else { halt }

on *:text:!vet*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
var %brr = $($+(%,brrflood,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)),2)
if (%brr == 1) {
;.notice $nick AntiFlood is enabled 60 secs ignore smile
else {
inc -u60 $+(%,brrflood,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2))
%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $($+(%,brrfloodhour,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)),2)
if (%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == 5) { goto brr }
else { inc -u600 $+(%,brrfloodhour,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)) }
.msg # 10Yeah hoor eens wat een vet nummer dit weer eens is %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ , de vullingen klapperen uit mijn kiezen BRRRRRR xD
if (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == Non-Stop) || (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $nick) || (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] isin $nick) || ($nick isin %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || (%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == 5) { goto nopoints }
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestpoints) == on) {
if (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ison $chan) {
if (!$2) {
add.pts $+($replace(#, $chr(46), $chr(95)),.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
.notice %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 6U heeft nu7 $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),Points) 6punten.
.notice $nick 10U heeft %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 punt gegeven.
else {
add.pts $+($replace(#, $chr(46), $chr(95)),.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
writeini -n TotalPoints.ini $chan total $calc($readini(TotalPoints.ini,$chan,total) + 1)
.notice %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 10U heeft nu7 $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),Points) 6punten.
.notice $nick 10U heeft %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 punt gegeven.
else { .notice $nick 10Helaas %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] is niet aanwezig, dus ook geen punten. }
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestreason) == on) {
if (!$2) {
if (!$exists($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))) {
else {
.msg # 10Random reden:4 $read($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt),n) 10nr:7 $readn $+ / $+ $lines($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))
else {
if ($2- !isin $read($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt), nw, * $+($2-)*, $readn)) {
write $+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt) $nick $+ : $2-
.msg # 10Random reden:4 $read($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt),n) 10nr:7 $readn $+ / $+ $lines($+(positief/positief.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))
else {

on *:text:!thema*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
if (!$2) {
if (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == Non-Stop) { .notice $nick 4[ReQuestSystem] Momemteel draait nonstop, dus geen thema ingesteld! | halt }
if ($nick == %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
if (!$readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)) {
.notice $nick Momenteel is er geen thema gezet op # $+ !
.notice $nick Door een thema te zetten, typ $1 set jethema
else {
.msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem] 6Huidige Thema:4 $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)
.notice $nick Wil je een andere thema type $1 set jethema
if (!$readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)) { .notice $nick Momenteel is er geen thema. | halt }
if ($nick != %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { .msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem] 6Huidige Thema:4 $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme) | halt }
elseif ($nick == %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
if ($2 == set) {
writeini channels.ini $chan requesttheme $3- | .notice $nick Thema ingesteld op: $3- | .notice $nick Zet thema uit door $1 del te typen | if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,topic) == on) { sc_topic1 # } | .msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem Automatisch Bericht] 4Let op!! Thema is: $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme) 
elseif ($2 == del) { remini channels.ini $chan requesttheme | if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,topic) == on) { sc_topic1 # } | .notice $nick Thema verwijderd }
Posted By: maroon Re: Need Help Request System - 07/10/22 12:33 PM
It's harder to read multi-line code when you don't click on the # icon to put it inside a code block.

Are you saying that when having % halfop status your script doesn't react to someone using the !triggers? If so, did you test to see if it suddenly works when someone temporarily gives you @op status?

You mention trigger commands like !close request !open request !theme but these are English words and your script is designed to work with what I assume is Dutch. Did you just mention the !triggernames translated to English, or did you paste the wrong script?

edit: I tried the server/channel name you gave but it was empty and no indication that there was any request stuff going on. The channel doesn't even look like it was even registered until after the timestamp of your post
Posted By: infinity Re: Need Help Request System - 07/10/22 12:37 PM
at *:text:!close request*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request ) == on) {
if ($nick == %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
set %closing request. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1
.notice $nick Request box for # is now closed
.msg $chan 4 Request box for # is now closed.
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestcount) == on) {
var %requestsession = $($+(%,requestsession,.,$chan),2)
.msg #6 $+ %sc.dj . [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ , today you have 4 %request session 6 and a total of 4 $iif($readini(Request.ini,$+($chan,.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]), requests), $readini(Request.ini,$+($chan,.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),requests), 0) Had 6 requests.
.msg $nick 4 $+ %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ , 6don't forget to close the request server!
else { halt }

on *:text:!open request*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
if ($nick == %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
disable %close request. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
unset $+(%,requestession2,.,$chan)
.notice $nick Request box for # is now open.
.msg $chan 4 Request box for # is now open.
else { halt }

on *:text:!bold*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
var %brr = $($+(%,brrflood ,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)),2)
if (%brr == 1) {
;.notice $nick AntiFlood is on 60 seconds ignore smile
else {
inc -u60 $+( %,brrflood,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2))
%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] = $($+(%,brrfloodhour,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)),2)
if (%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == 5) { goto brr }
else { inc -u600 $+(%,brrfloodhour,.,$chan,.,$address($nick,2)) }
.msg #10Yeah, look what a cool song this is %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $+ , the fillings are flapping from my molars BRRRRRR xD
if (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == Non-Stop) || (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $nick) || (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] is in $nick) || ($nick is in %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || (%brr. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == 5) { goto nopoints }
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestpoints) == on) {
if (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ison $chan) {
if(!$2) {
add.pts $+($replace(#, $chr(46), $chr(95)),.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
.note %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 6You now have 7 $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),Points) 6points.
.notice $nick 10U has %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 point given.
else {
add.pts $+($replace(#, $chr(46), $chr(95)),.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ])
writeini -n TotalPoints.ini $chan total $calc($readini(TotalPoints.ini,$chan,total) + 1)
.note %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 10You now have 7 $readini(Points.ini,$+(#,.,%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),Points) 6points.
.notice $nick 10U has %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] 1 point given.
else { .note $nick 10Unfortunately %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] is not present, so no points either. }
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,requestreason) == on) {
if(!$2) {
if (!$exists($+(positive/positive.,#,.,$+( %sc.dj [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))) {
else {
.msg #10Random reason: 4 $read($+(positive/positive.,#,.,$+( %sc.dj [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt),n) 10nr: 7 $readn $+ / $+ $lines($+(positive/positive.,#,.,$+(% sc.dj [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))
else {
if ($2- !isin $read($+(positive/positive.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt), nw, * $+($2 -)*, $readn)) {
write $+(positive/positive.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan] ]),.txt) $nick $+ : $2-
.msg #10Random reason: 4 $read($+(positive/positive.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt),n) 10nr: 7 $ readn $+ / $+ $lines($+(positive/positive.,#,.,$+(%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]),.txt))
else {

on *:text:!theme*:#:{
if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,request) == on) {
if(!$2) {
if (%sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == Non-Stop) { .notice $nick 4[ReQuestSystem] Currently running non-stop, so no theme set! | stop }
if ($nick == %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
if (!$readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)) {
.notice $nick is almost never set to # $+ !
.notice $nick By setting a theme, type $1 set yourtheme
else {
.msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem] 6Current Theme: 4 $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)
.notice $nick Want a different theme type $1 set your theme
if (!$readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)) { .notice $nick there is no theme. | stop }
if ($nick != %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { .msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem] 6Current Theme: 4 $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme) | stop }
elseif ($nick == %sc.dj. [ $+ [ $chan] ]) || ($nick == %BotOwner) {
if ($2 == set) {
writeini channels.ini $chan requesttheme $3- | .notice $nick Theme set to: $3- | .notice $nick Turn off theme by typing $1 del | if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,topic) == on) { sc_topic1 # } | .msg $chan 4[ReQuestSystem Automatic Message] 4 Attention!! Theme is: $readini(channels.ini,$chan,requesttheme)
elseif ($2 == del) { remini channels.ini $chan requesttheme | if ($readini(channels.ini,$chan,topic) == on) { sc_topic1 # } | .note $nick Theme removed }
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