I fixed more issues, I tested with one nickname this time.

alias notlist {
  if (%notlistnone) { 
    unset %notlistnone
    return $style(2) None : noop
  if ($1 !isnum) return
  if (!%notlistservcount) {
    %notlistservcount = 1
    %notlistcount = 1
  scon %notlistservcount
  if ($status == connected) {
    if (%notlistcount == 1) var %r $style(2) $network $br($server) : noop
    else {
      while ($notify($calc(%notlistcount - 1)).ison == $false) inc %notlistcount
      if ($notify($calc(%notlistcount - 1))) {
        if (%notlistcount isnum 2-16) var %r $iif($notify($calc(%notlistcount - 1)).ison,$notify($calc(%notlistcount - 1)) : scon %notlistservcount query $notify($calc(%notlistcount - 1)))
        else return More... : scon %notlistservcount notify -s
      else goto next
    if (%r) {
      inc %notlistcount
      return %r
  else {
    if ($status != connected) && (%notlistcount == 1) set -u %notlistnone 1
    if (%notlistservcount == $scon(0)) {
      unset %notlistservcount %notlistcount
      scon -r
    inc %notlistservcount
    %notlistcount = 1
    return -

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