Greetings all,

I am running the following code that I created but there seems to be a wait lock that happens where the MIRC program will go into not responding for up to 20 seconds before displaying the end result of

<nick> has joined from <CurrentIP> there are <X> nicks for this IP:<nick>_:(11/09/2020 07:03:57:AM) & Known ip's for <nick> are:~ 11/08/2020 06:07:25:PM:~ 07:03:57:AM)

I thought maybe it was 3 $readini that was doing it so I commented them out and I am still seeing wait lock/not responding. Its not enough to crash MIRC or to cause a disconnection but just enough to be annoying when trying to type

on 1:join:#:{
  set %addresslinked $remove($address($nick,2),*!*@)
  IF (( isin %addresslinked ) || ( mibbit isin %addresslinked ) || ( kiwiirc isin %addresslinked ) || ( irccloud isin %addresslinked )) {
  ;set %wildcard $readini(wildcard.ini,$remove($address($nick,2),*!*@),allnicked)
  ;set %wildnickeds $readini(wildcard.ini,$nick $+ allhosts,allhosts)
  ;set %nickcount $readini(wildcard.ini,%addresslinked,nickedcount)
  if (%nickcount == $null) set %nickcount 1
  if (%wildnickeds == $null) set %wildnickeds %addresslinked
  echo 15 $chan $timestamp $nick has joined from %addresslinked there are %nickcount nicks for this IP: $+ %wildcard & Known ip's for $nick are: $+ %wildnickeds
  unset %addresslinked
  unset %wildnicks
  unset %wildnickeds
  unset %nickcount