I downloaded a snippet for a custom toolbar and everything seems to work with the exception of one line which allows the popup to happen when clicking the arrow to select a server to connect to. I'm looking to see if anyone knows how to fix the error.

The error occurs due to the popups.dll on this line...
alias -l popup dll scripts\resources\dlls\popups.dll $1-

The error that I get is...
* /dll: insufficient parameters (line 14, Toolbar_Remote.ini)

dialog tb {
title "tb"
size -1 -1 514 8
option dbu
list 1, 2 -1 1001 16, size

;heres where we get the icons from
alias -l icons return $+(scripts\resources\icons\,$1-)

;this is for popup.dll is just edit the filenames
alias -l popup dll scripts\resources\dlls\popups.dll $1-
alias -l popmenu {
tokenize 32 $dll(scripts\resources\dlls\popups.dll,Popup,$1-)
if ($isid) { return $1- }
if ($4- != did not select a menu item) { $4- }

;heres where we make the toolbar!
on *:dialog:tb:init:0:{
;basic needs for MDX to work
;making the toolbar!
mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ToolBar list arrows flat wrap nodivider > $bars
mdx SetDialog $dname style
mdx SetBorderStyle 1
;here is where we start to make the icons
;size of icons id dbu I beleive
did -i $dname 1 1 bmpsize 32 32
;these are the icons I use
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon large $icon7
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon large $icon33
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon large $icon3
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon large $icon10
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon large $icon9
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon large $icon6
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon large $icon32
did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon large $icon31
;heres where we make text and tool tips!
;please note: $chr(9) is what sets the text and the tool tips apart
;also notice the +v it makes the a drop down arrow you'll learn more about that later
;the numbers? they are the number of the icon the numbers are the same as you list the icons above wink
did -a $dname 1 +v 1 server $chr(9) connect to server
did -a $dname 1 +a 1 -
did -a $dname 1 +a 2 $chr(9) Mirc Options
did -a $dname 1 +a 3 $chr(9) Acuto ID
did -a $dname 1 +a 4 $chr(9) Auto Join
did -a $dname 1 +a 5 $chr(9) Sounds
did -a $dname 1 +a 1 -
did -a $dname 1 +a 6 $chr(9) Away
did -a $dname 1 +a 7 $chr(9) Away System
did -a $dname 1 +a 8 $chr(9) Auto Join
;how we dock this tool bar
rebar Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > top
;remember that arrow?
;well that arrow when clicked gives a dclick event wink
on *:dialog:tb:dclick:1: { popup }

;this is a popup!
;this is easy
;eg text $cr command
alias popup {
popup New tb 16 16
popup SetMetrics tb iconpad 0 0 contentpad 0 0 spacing 0 0
popup AddItem tb end + 1 1 new connection $cr server -m
popup AddItem tb end +
popup AddItem tb end + 2 2 razorville $cr server irc.razorville.co.uk
popup AddItem tb end + 3 3 undernet $cr server irc.undernet.org
popup AddItem tb end + 4 4 elite-scriptaz $cr server irc.elite-scriptaz.net
popup AddItem tb end + 5 5 rizon $cr server irc.rizon.net
popup AddItem tb end + 6 6 creative $cr server irc.creativeirc.net
popup AddItem tb end +
popup AddItem tb end + 7 7 disconnect $cr quit $read(docs\quits.txt)
popmenu tb $mouse.dx $mouse.dy
;easy for scripters
;commands for the click on the icons
;note this isn't done ;x
on *:dialog:tb:sclick:1:{
if ($did($dname,1).sel == 2) {
if ($server) { .quit Off to do life! }
if (!$server) { .server }
elseif ($did($dname,1).sel == 4) { /sendkeys % $+ o }
elseif ($did($dname,1).sel == 5) { _autos }
elseif ($did($dname,1).sel == 6) { _autos }
elseif ($did($dname,1).sel == 7) { _eso }
elseif ($did($dname,1).sel == 8) { tbd }
elseif ($did($dname,1).sel == 10) { /sendkeys % $+ c }
elseif ($did($dname,1).sel == 11) { /sendkeys % $+ s }