edit ---- .isid is the trick. that returns $false


nah it..er...doesn't seem to

this is actually the line
variables are:

%dialog_id [ $+ [ %loop $+ _3 ] ]
%dialog_id [ $+ [ %loop $+ _4 ] ]
%dialog_id [ $+ [ %loop $+ _5 ] ]
%dialog_id [ $+ [ %loop $+ _6 ] ]

which can be

%dialog_id2_3 1073
%dialog_id2_4 1074
%dialog_id2_5 1075
%dialog_id2_6 1076

%loop goes up to about 15

part of the "init" :

on 1:dialog:name:init:0: {
if $did(name, %dialog_id [ $+ [ %loop $+ _3 ] ] ) != $null { did -o name %dialog_id [ $+ [ %loop $+ _3 ] ] 1 %dialog_id [ $+ [ %loop $+ _3 ] ] }

so it's filling out the text field of dialog ID 1073, with the number 1073

its basically a table of text fields (about 8 rows by 15 columns so far). it fills out every text entry with the ID of that text entry (so thats 8 x 15 = quite a lot)

completely works when the ID exists, but if the ID doesn't exist (is $null), none of the rest of the "init" happens

I cooooould do a check to say "only /did under certain conditions", but it would be nice if it could only do it if it isn't "$null"

Last edited by quartz; 10/08/20 07:09 PM.