Originally Posted by Khaled
Okay, I am using the same version of Windows here. That is puzzling. There is no code that collapses the node in this context, so it must be something Windows is doing automatically for some reason.

I notice in your video that the folders are not showing the "count" of open windows, which is a default setting. Did you disable the "Show Count" option in the Treebar popup menu? The reason I ask is that I tested this with a clean install of mIRC, with no scripts/addons/etc., so all of the settings are set to defaults.

Yes, I have disabled folder counting. I detected this problem since the version of mIRC 5.59, but I did not report it because I thought you ended up detecting the problem, but I ended up deciding to report it.
I also installed a clean version of mIRC without addons/scripts/etc and the video I made was with a clean version.

irc.PTirc.org (Co-Admin)