Thanks for your bug report. It looks like newer versions of Chrome have changed some aspect of their accessibility interface.

I have made a change to $url that fixes this, however...

When $url was added long ago, browsers supported DDE to retrieve the active URL. Unfortunately, DDE has been phased out, and browsers no longer provide a simple method for other applications to retrieve the active URL. I implemented a method some versions ago that searches a browser's interface, apparently the only way to do it now, and tries to find something that looks like a URL. The method needs to know the class name for every browser that it has to work with. It is a very brittle implementation and I expect $url will break again and again, every time a browser changes its implementation.

Apart from that, you will find that $url only retrieves fully formed http/ftp addresses. It did support other prefixes and non-full addresses at one point, however this often resulted in invalid results, so support for these was removed.