I too don't understand why you only want the 1st 3 lines.

I also dont understand why you find this difficult.
; set line counter to 1 and then only echo the lines 1-3
; to the status window. Use haltdef to prevent mIRC
; from sending any line to status window.
; needs to be set at some point -- say @ raw 001
On raw 001 :*: {
   Set %LineCounter 1

On raw 353:*: {
   if (%LineCounter <= 3) { //echo -s $1- }
   inc %LineCounter

; reset counter to 1 ready for next channel
On raw 366:*: { %LineCounter = 1 }

Of course this will affect any usage of the /names command, so you could set a variable in your 'mycommand' which you test for in the above on raw events, then reset that variable at the end of your command, to allow for normal usage.

Last edited by Erasimus; 22/03/19 07:19 PM.