We use this in mIRC 7.55 to mute disruptive users in our channels by selecting the nick in nick list and execute from the popup list.
Problem is that some of our moderators cannot use mIRC from work due to ports being blocked by employer and rightly so.
I hope that someone here can somehow, if at all possible modify the script to be added to the mIRC bot with a commands to execute the script from the bot.

Feel free to use the script if you have a need for this.
menu nicklist {
..Day mute $1 $+ :{
set %Mute.Nick $1
set %Mute.Channel $chan
set %MuteMSG $$?"Reason?"
msg $chan 4.:[10 $+ %Mute.Nick $+ 4]:. .:[You are muted]:. .:[Reason is:10 %MUTEMSG $+ 4]:. Lodge complaint email to xxxx@gmail.com with reason, date and time..
mode $chan -vqaoh+b %Mute.Nick %Mute.Nick %Mute.Nick %Mute.Nick %Mute.Nick m: $+ $address(%Mute.Nick,2)

..Timed mute $1 $+ :{
set %Mute.Nick $1
set %Mute.Channel $chan
set %Mute.Time $$?"Minutes to mute %Mute.Nick ?"
if (%Mute.Time isnum) {
set %MuteMSG $$?"Reason is?"
msg $chan 4.:[10 $+ %Mute.Nick $+ 4]:. .:you are muted for 10 %Mute.Time 4minute ]:. .:[Reason is:10 %MUTEMSG $+ 4]:. Lodge complaint email to xxxx@gmail.com with reason, date and time..
.timermute1 1 $calc(%Mute.Time * 60) mode $chan -b $+ $iif(%Mute.Nick isavoice #,+v) m: $+ $address(%Mute.Nick,2) %Mute.Nick
mode $chan -vqaoh+b %Mute.Nick %Mute.Nick %Mute.Nick %Mute.Nick %Mute.Nick m: $+ $address(%Mute.Nick,2)

.timermute2 1 $calc(%Mute.Time * 60) msg $chan 10 %Mute.Nick 4.:[2You are free to talk again. In future please listen to Ops4]:. .:[2The reason was :10 %MuteMSG $+ 4]:.
.timermute3 1 $calc(%Mute.Time * 60) mode $chan -b %Mute.Nick m: $+ $address(%Mute.Nick,2)
.timermute3 1 $calc(%Mute.Time * 60) mode $chan -b %Mute.Nick m: $+ $address(%Mute.Nick,2)
.timermute5 1 $calc(%Mute.Time * 60) unset %Mute*
else { echo -a 4.:[Error:1 Please supply time in minutes!4]:. }

..Remove mute $1 $+ :{
if ($1 == %Mute.Nick) {
; mode $chan +v-b %Mute.Nick m: $+ $address(%Mute.Nick,2)
mode $chan -b %Mute.Nick m: $+ $address(%Mute.Nick,2)
msg $chan 10 %Mute.Nick $+ , 2 You were unmuted earlier. Please behave from now on. 4If you want lodge a complaint email to xxxx@gmail.com with reason, date and time..
unset %Mute*
timermute1 off
timermute2 off
timermute3 off
timermute4 off
timermute5 off
else { echo -a 4.:[Error:1 User was not muted!4]:. }