This is what I see on another server:

08:26] ::: message of the day
[08:26] ****************************************************************************
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26]      __  _                          __               _____  __    ___ 
[08:26]     / _\(_)_ __ ___   ___  ___   /\ \ \__ _ _ __     \_   \/__\  / __\
[08:26]     \ \ | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \/ __| /  \/ / _` | '_ \     / /\/ \// / /   
[08:26]     _\ \| | | | | | | (_) \__ \/ /\  / (_| | |_) | /\/ /_/ _  \/ /___ 
[08:26]     \__/|_|_| |_| |_|\___/|___/\_\ \/ \__,_| .__/  \____/\/ \_/\____/ 
[08:26]                                            |_|                        
[08:26]                       __     _                      _    
[08:26]                    /\ \ \___| |___      _____  _ __| | __
[08:26]                   /  \/ / _ \ __\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ /
[08:26]                  / /\  /  __/ |_ \ V  V / (_) | |  |   < 
[08:26]                  \_\ \/ \___|\__| \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] *******************************************************************************
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] Benvenuti in SimosNap IRC Network.
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] Visita il sito ufficiale della network:
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] Per l'utilizzo dei  server e  dei servizi di SimosNap IRC Network l'utente DEVE
[08:26] conoscere  e  rispettare il  regolamento e i  termini  stabiliti  dallo  Staff. 
[08:26] L'utente e' quindi pregato di prenderne visione all'indirizzo:
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] Puoi visualizzare il regolamento in ogni momento digitando /rules.
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] Procedendo si  ritiene  fatta accettazione  di tali  termini, chi  non fosse in
[08:26] accordo con tali termini e' pregato di non usare questo servizio.
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] *******************************************************************************
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] In  questo  Network  la scelta  degli operatori  e' fatta  dallo  staff  e  non
[08:26] mediante test o  simili. L'unico  modo di diventare  operatore, nel  caso ce ne 
[08:26] fosse il bisogno, e' fare  parte da tempo  degli assidui  del Network  e essere 
[08:26] ritenuti dallo staff in grado di tale incarico. Pertanto e' INUTILE CHIEDERE LE
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26]                                        SimosNap IRC Network Staff
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] *******************************************************************************
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26]          Staff:
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26]                  NetworkAdmins:
[08:26]                          Simos   (
[08:26]                          DjGolia (
[08:26]                          Pipps   (
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26]                  Server Admins:
[08:26]                          Digita il comando /quote admin 
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] *******************************************************************************
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26]         Porte disponibili:
[08:26]                  6666, 6667, 6668, 6669: Connessioni normali
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26]          SSL:
[08:26]                  9999
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] *******************************************************************************
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] *******************************************************************************
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26]         Round Robin per la connessione al network:
[08:26]         Connessioni IPV4
[08:26]         Connessioni IPV6
* /echo: insufficient parameters (line 798, Kte-Dyn.mrc)
[08:26] - 
[08:26] *******************************************************************************
[08:26] ::: End of message of the day.