maroon helped me set up this bot for my twitch a year ago but now some commands aren't working and i'm not sure if it's because things have changed on twitch's side or something? but i haven't changed any of the code for a while. here it is:

on *:text:!clear:#: {
if (!$istok(,$nick,32)) return
{ write -c list.txt
msg $chan queue reset. }

; new line of text

on *:text:!join:#: {
if (%list.status == closed) { msg $chan sorry $nick the queue is closed :c | return }
if ($read(list.txt,nw,$nick)) { msg $chan $nick you're already in the queue c: | return }
else write list.txt $nick
msg $chan $nick hopped on the queue! position: $ord($calc($lines(list.txt)))

on @*:text:!open:#: {
if ($nick !isop $chan) return
if (!$istok(,$nick,32)) return
if (%list.status != closed) { msg $chan the queue is already open | return }
unset %list.status
msg $chan the queue is now open c: !join

on @*:text:!close:#: {
if ($nick !isop $chan) return
if (!$istok(,$nick,32)) return
if (%list.status == closed) { msg $chan the queue is already closed. | return }
set %list.status closed
msg $chan the queue is now closed :c

on *:text:!findme:#: {
if ($read(list.txt,nw,$nick)) { msg $chan $nick you are in queue position $readn $+ . | return }
else msg $chan sorry $nick you're not in the queue. you can add yourself by typing: !join

on @*:text:!del *:#: {
if ($nick !isop $chan) return
if (!$istok(,$nick,32)) return
if (%list.status == closed) { msg $chan sorry $nick the queue is closed :c | return }
var %name $nick
elseif (($2) && ($2 != $nick)) msg chan sorry $nick you may not remove anyone else.
if ($read(list.txt,nw,%name)) { write -dl $+ $readn list.txt | msg $chan $nick has removed $iif($nick == %name,themself,%name) from the %list.status queue. | return }
else msg $chan sorry $nick you were not in the %list.status queue

on @*:text:!del *:#: {
if ($nick !isop $chan) return
if (!$istok(,$nick,32)) return
if (%list.status == closed) { msg $chan sorry $nick the queue is closed :c | return }
var %name $nick
elseif (($2) && ($2 != $nick)) msg chan sorry $nick you may not remove anyone else.
if ($read(list.txt,nw,%name)) { write -dl $+ $readn list.txt | msg $chan $nick has removed $iif($nick == %name,themself,%name) from the %list.status queue. | return }
else msg $chan sorry $nick you were not in the %list.status queue

on @*:text:!q:#: {
if ($nick !isop $chan) return
if (!$istok(,$nick,32)) return
msg $chan number of buns in the queue: $calc($lines(list.txt))

on *:TEXT:!leave*:#: {
var %name $nick
if (($nick isop $chan) && ($2)) { var %name $2 }
elseif (($2) && ($2 != $nick)) msg chan sorry $nick you may not remove anyone else.
if ($read(list.txt,nw,%name)) { write -dl $+ $readn list.txt | msg $chan $nick has removed $iif($nick == %name,themself,%name) from the %list.status queue. | return }
else msg $chan sorry $nick - $iif(%name == $nick,you were,%name was) not in the %list.status queue

next next codes ----

on @*:TEXT:!next*:#: {
if ($nick !isop $chan) return
if (!$istok(,$nick,32)) return
var %namecount = 0 , %line 1 , %max $int($2) , %names
if (%max !isnum 1-10) { msg $chan must give number 1-10, like !next 1 | return }
while (%namecount < %max) {
var %t $read(list.txt,nt,%line)
;if ((%t != $null) && (%t ison $chan)) { var %names %names %t | inc %namecount }
if (%t != $null) { var %names %names %t | inc %namecount }
if (%t == $null) { break }
else {
if (!next* iswm $1) write -dl $+ %line list.txt
if (!bun* iswm $1) inc %line
msg $chan up now: %names

on @*:TEXT:!bun*:#: {
if ($nick !isop $chan) return
if (!$istok(,$nick,32)) return
var %namecount = 0 , %line 1 , %max $int($2) , %names
if (%max !isnum 1-10) { msg $chan must give number 1-10, like !next 1 | return }
while (%namecount < %max) {
var %t $read(list.txt,nt,%line)
;if ((%t != $null) && (%t ison $chan)) { var %names %names %t | inc %namecount }
if (%t != $null) { var %names %names %t | inc %namecount }
if (%t == $null) { break }
else {
if (!next* iswm $1) write -dl $+ %line list.txt
if (!bun* iswm $1) inc %line
msg $chan buns in line: %names

basically, the commands: !open, !close, !next*, !bun*, !q, all do not want to work anymore for some reason in my twitch chat and i'm not sure why frown can anybody help?