Originally Posted By: Erasimus
Thanks for the additional info in your last paragraph, I didn't know about those items.
You're welcome. I just amended to the last line of the last paragraph.

If you're trying to retrieve several values(variables) from a child alias to its parent, one way is to call it as an identifier and have it /return its several values as a tokenized string. You can then split apart the string with the /tokenize command to access each value as $1 $2 $3, etc.

ALIAS ParentAlias {
  tokenize 10 $ChildAlias(42)
  echo -a Addition: $1 , Multiplication: $2 , Exponent: $3
ALIAS ChildAlias {
  return $+($calc($1 + $1),$LF,$calc($1 * $1),$LF,$calc($1 ^ $1))

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!