I'm going to estimate that you don't really need to use a file on your harddrive, given that you are deleting each line one by one, which is a pretty resource intense file operation.

Instead, consider using a custom /window -l @window that you /aline $nick to, and then /dline from.

Or. Since you are only dealing with 80 to 100 nicknames, you can easily store them to a single tokenized (space delimited) variable. In the current retail version, you can store just over 4000 bytes to a variable, and the beta lets you store just over 8000 bytes. 4000 bytes will hold 400 nicknames 9 characters in length, or over 150 nicknames 25 characters in length. Easily within the breadth of your script. Use $gettok(%nicklist,%i,32) to iterate through them. You shouldn't necessarily need to delete each nickname one at a time.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!