When printing text to a custom @window using /aline, it proves to be terribly slow when compared to other options like /loadbuf and /filter.

When /fupdate is set to 0, /echo and /aline are the same speed, but with /fupdate set to 1~100, /echo enjoys a clear speed improvement that /aline does not. (up to 4x faster on my machine, but definitely not instant.)

In either event, both /aline and /echo are especially slow when compared to other options. Is this something that could easily be addressed? In particular, perhaps a switch for /aline and/or /echo that suppresses painting text until a final /aline or /echo command is used? Sort of like /draw* commands enjoy the -n switch for the same reason?

The -n switch prevents the display from being updated immediately. This allows you to make changes to the window in the background and then display the results only when you have finished. You can update the display by using any of the /draw commands with only the window name specified.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!