I have make some change put alias bwcontrol to read check match the badword but till now i didnt fixed get this problem frown

i am waiting suggestion from u guys to help me what is wrong in this code now , how to make it work to ban the user when is say in channel the badwords from the list i added with wildcard

alias bwcontrol {
var %:kontroll = 1 | while %:control <= $strip($1)(#,0) {
if $hfind(badword,$strip($1)(#,%:control),1,W).data {
.echo $token(%:c,%c,32) [ CONTROL ] $strip($1)(#,%:control) Badword Matched $+([,$chr(32),$hget(badword,$hfind(badword,$strip($1)(#,%:control),1,W).data),$chr(32),])
ban -u300 # $mask($fulladdress,2)(#,%:control)
inc %:control

on *:start:{ $iif(!$isfile(badword.list),.write badword.list) | .hmake badword 100 | .hload badword badword.list }
#bwaddon on
on *:text:*:#: badword $1-
on *:action:*:#: badword $1-
alias -l badword {
if (!$nick(#,$nick,rv,oh%&~)) return
if (($me isop $chan) || ($me ishelp $chan)) {
if $hfind(badword,$strip($1-),1,W).data {
echo $token(%:c,%c,32) [ BADWORD ] $strip($1-) Badword is Indetifier From The List. $+([,$chr(32),$hget(badword,$hfind(badword,$strip($1-),1,W).data),$chr(32),])
var %:c $regsubex($str(-,$read($strip($1-),0)),/./g, $iif($regex($badword($read($strip($1-),\n),$me).pbadword,/(%|@|&|~\.)/i),$read($strip($1-),\n) $chr(32)))
var %c = 1 | while %c <= $token(%:c,0,32) {
mode # $token(%:c,%c,32) +b $mask($fulladdress,2) | notice $nick 5Stop Dont Swear..
echo $chan [ Indetifier ] $strip($1-) Is Indetifier The Badword From The List. $+([,$chr(32),$hget(badword,$hfind(badword,$strip($1-),1,W).data),$chr(32),])

Example what i mean and what i need to do here :

[22:44] * <Mike> stupid
[22:44] * Jimmy sets mode: +b *!*@Swift-AEFFBFBB.verizon.net

This now is ok match the badword on line simple word

Here in second example down i want Mike when is say to Jimmy you are a *stupid" my friend, to get banned for the word *stupid* i have add in badword list (stupi* is added in badword list)

[22:44] * <Mike> Jimmy you are so 'stupid' my friend
[22:44] * <Mike> Jimmy you are so 'stupid' my friend
[22:44] * <Mike> Jimmy you are so 'stupid' my friend

Problem is here to match the badword stupid on text speaker

Mike didnt get ban here on his text frown

I added in badword list the word stupi* now when Mike say to Jimmy your so stupid my frined in teory need to ban Mike for the word *stupid* , so the script dont give notice to me with echo badword matched from Mike text and dont ban Mike, so guys help to fix this problem frown , TY in advance .

Last edited by Tano; 17/04/18 12:15 AM.