stupi* badword is added at list of badword.
[22:44] * <Mike> stupid
[22:44] * Jimmy sets mode: +b *!*

Problem here to match the badword stupid on text speaker:

[22:44] * <Mike> Jimmy you are so 'stupid' my friend
[22:44] * <Mike> Jimmy you are so 'stupid' my friend
[22:44] * <Mike> Jimmy you are so 'stupid' my friend

Here need to give ban a Mike when is say to Jimmy you are so 'stupid' my friend, but dont read or match from badwordlist like is match on first time in simple line only the word stupid
and when is take ban the user need to notice me the user Mike take band for this reason used badword *stupid* in channel

so guys this is the script any idea suggestion how need to be this script to recognise match the badword on users text and give ban to users for using badword in channel, TY in advance

on *:start:{ $iif(!$isfile(badword.list),.write badword.list) | .hmake badword 100 | .hload badword badword.list }
#bwaddon on
on !@*:text:*:#: badword $1-
on !@*:action:*:#: badword $1-
alias -l badword {
if (!$nick(#,$nick,rv,oh%&~)) return
if (($me isop $chan) || ($me ishelp $chan)) {
if $hfind(badword,$strip($1-),1,W).data {
ban -u600 # $mask($fulladdress,2)

Last edited by Tano; 16/04/18 10:00 PM.