Sorry to double post, but I can't edit my post anymore.

/join -d and /query -d work as I'd like as of the new beta. Thanks Khaled.

I'd just like to ask for the -D switch in /window to work for channel and query windows also:

on me:join:#important: { window -D $chan }
on BossMan:open:?:*: { splay -wq uhoh.wav | window -Do $nick }

I don't know of any workaround, obviously this won't work:

on ^me:join:#testa: { join -d #testa }

But even if this did work, there wouldn't be a way to toggle MDI/desktop for a channel or query window unless I use my mouse. $window(#channel/nickname).mdi works as expected, so it won't be necessary to be able to set a particular window type via more new flags:


alias setWindowAsDesktop { if ($window($1).mdi) { window -D $1 } }
alias setWindowAsMDI { if (!$window($1).mdi) { window -D $1 } }

It may or may not be worth mentioning that /window -D won't work for a status window either.

/tokenize 32 $gettok($1-,1-,32)