Well when I say scriptable I don't mean those dropdown lists, checkboxes, etc that were shown in that picture, I agree, that is the job of a toolbar, not the statusbar. I'm talking something similar to /titlebar.

/statusbar -editr window N [text|icon]
-e = enable (show) the statusbar
-d = disable (hide) the statusbar
-i = set an icon
-t = set a tooltip
-r = remove a cell

/statusbar -e @test
; displays the statusbar in @test
/statusbar -d #chat
; hides the statusbar in #chat
/statusbar -i @awaylog 1 away.ico
; shows the away.ico icon in the first cell of the statusbar of @awaylog
/statusbar -i @awaylog 1
; removes the icon currently set as the icon for the 1st cell of @awaylog's statusbar.
/statusbar #funzone 1 Topic: $+ $chan(#funzone).topic
; Displays the topic of #funzone in the first cell of #funzone's statusbar.
/statusbar -r #help 2
; Removed the 2nd cell (shifting cells 3..N over to the left) from #help's statusbar.
/statusbar -t #blah 1 This is a tooltip!
; sets the tooltip for the first cell of #blah's statusbar.

Returns the icon/text for the statusbar on the given window
in the Nth cell. If N = 0, the number of cells in the statusbar is returned. The second syntax returns $true if the statusbar is active (shown) for the given window, and $false if it is not.

There might be other things necessary to make it actually work, like you'd probably need a /statusbar -a to "add a cell" which allows you to specify the width of the Nth cell, because not all cells of a statusbar are the same.