I couldn't find anything which discuss this on the forum using a 8 years range ($hotlink was added 6 years ago) on the word 'hotlink'.
I check the forum a lot and this is the kind of things I care about so I'd say I'd remember it if it had been discussed

Now, to clarify, none of what I said is true for connected nickname, if [X] and X are both connected, hovering [X] works correctly.

The problem is only when you hover [X], that [X] is not a connected nickname but that X is, this is where mIRC triggers on hotlink with $hotlink(match).type == nick and $hotlink(match) being X (I failed to realize this is what was happening in my first post with kikuchi` while kikuchi was connected, maroon's post also describe that).

But ok if this is by design well fine, but I'm practical, so I like to get 100% rather than 99%.

Last edited by Wims; 02/01/18 07:41 PM. Reason: the design is fine

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