It's hard to understand your broken english. Best I can understand is that you want to have something where if the nick is ABCD you want to message a url like

If that's correct, go to the remote script editor, then click on POPUP tab. From that window's "view" menu, choose #4 "Nick List" to see the popups when right-click in nick list. At the bottom you see a line:

Slap!:/me slaps $$1 around a bit with a large trout

Below that put:

Your Label $$1:/msg $$1 $+ $chr(63) $+ $$1

Be sure to click OK before leaving that window. Whatever you use instead of "your label" will appear in the right-click menu below "Slap!". $chr(63) is the "?" question symbol, and $+ joins strings together.

If this isn't what you want, please explain again more clearly.