Your idea sounds great and Twitch could implement it easily. Twitch already has an option where you give rules in a popup if someone tries to talk in chat. Why couldn't Twitch use this system where if you are on one side of this popup (including if you are banned), you can see no viewer list, and can't whisper anyone on that viewer list (for trolls who see people in my chat shown on screen). This would have no impact on legitimate new viewers, because 90% of people aren't interested in looking at the viewer list or whispering people in a channel the first time they stop in.

If only you worked for Twitch as freelance. They are so focused on making money with big streamers, that they don't care about the odd troll here and there, as long as the big streamers are still up and running. But imagine how many new streamers (speaking of others, not myself) who in an alternate reality becomes a huge success because Twitch fixed their system to be more airtight against trolls?

Sadly, I don't even think 1 or 2 of my 4600 followers even know what MIRC is. I do wish your idea was expounded upon by the "experts" at Twitch.