It'd be great if /bset had a way to append octlets to the bvar. When working with bvars its common for the scripter to just need to append octlets to the bvar. To do so the scripter has to call $calc(1+ $bvar(&<bvar>,0)). Due to $calc()'s parsing overhead this can bog mIRC down for loops.

I suggest either of the following to alleviate the annoyance:

Using -1 as /bwrite does
bset -tac &bvar -1 octlets

A new switch
;; -A would append the octlets
bset -Atac &bvar octlets

A new command
;; switches same as /bset
badd -tac &bvar octlets

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 15/08/17 06:27 PM.

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