Starts: Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Ends: Monday, August 7, 2017 @ 12:00pm EDT
Description: Return only characters of an input that aren't to be skipped over
Type: Short-Code

  • Create an identifier alias named skip that returns only characters from an input("input-text") that have not been skipped due to designated skip inputs("skip-input")
  • The alias should account for a .invert prop that results in the characters that were skipped being returned
  • The input-text will always be at least one character in length
  • The input-text will consist of only letters and/or numbers: a-z, A-Z, 0-9
  • A skip-input indicates the number of characters of the input-text to skip.
  • After characters have been skipped, the next character in the input-text - if any are left - should be consumed and added to the output.
  • Subsequent skip-inputs are to start counting directly after the character consumed for output.
  • A skip-input will be a whole number equal to or greater than zero.
  • A skip-input may be larger than the amount of characters left to process in the input-text.
  • A variable number of skip-inputs will be specified but there will always be at least one.
  • If the end of the skip-input list has been reached, cycle back to the first skip-input until the entire input-text has been gone over.

    Skips 1 character: a
    Stores: "b"
    Reaches the end of the input so returns: b
$skip(a, 0)
    Skips 0 characters
    Stores: a
    Reaches end of input so returns: a

$skip(abcdefg, 2, 1)
    Skips 2 characters: ab
    Stores: c
    Skips 1 character: d
    Stores: e
    Skips 2 characters: fg
    Reached the end of the input so returns: ce
$skip(abcdefghij, 2, 1)
    Skips 2 characters: ab
    Stores: c
    Skips 1 character: d
    Stores: e
    Reached end of skip-inputs so cycles back to the first skip-input
    Skips 2 characters: fg
    Stores: h
    Skips 1 characters: i
    Stores: j
    Reaches end of input so returns: cehj

$skip(abcdefghi, 2, 1).invert
    Stores 2 characters: ab
    Skips the next character: c
    Stores 1 character: d
    Skips the next character: e
    Reached end of skip-inputs so cycles back to the first skip-input
    Stores 2 characters: fg
    Skips the next character: h
    Stores 1 character character: i
    Reaches end of input so returns: abdfgi

There are two categories for this challenge of which can be entered. You may submit to either or both categories. That is you may submit an entry for one of the categories and make another submission for the other. The categories are
  • Non-regex: The submission does not make use of regex
  • Regex: The submission makes use of regex

  • Submissions will be saved as skip.mrc
  • Submissions will be loaded into a fresh offline mIRC v7.49 instance's fresh remote section
  • Submissions length will be determined by the "byte" value from https://mothereff.in/byte-counter AFTER leading spaces(chr 32) are removed from each line
  • Submissions may contain supporting alias
  • Submissions do NOT have to run cleanly but must be able to be re-ran indefinitely
  • No mismatched brackets`{}` or parentheses`()`
  • No use of external-inputs such as $?, $input, etc
  • No File-System access, COMs, DLLs, Sockets or tools outside of mIRC
  • Do not abuse the rules, byte counter or test alias

  • Send entries to me via Forum Private Message with the topic of "Challenge: $skip Entry"
  • I will also accept entries through IRC query messages in the form of pastebin links but there is no guarantee I will receive it
  • In your entry post, specify if it uses regex or not
  • You may submit as many times as you like, only your last entry for each category at the end of the challenge will be evaluated
  • I will check the forums at least once a day for new entries, evaluate them and tell you if the entry is valid

If something is unclear feel free to ask as a reply to this post or, if the question would give your methodology away, ask via PM

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 25/07/17 06:44 PM.

I am SReject
My Stuff