Hey guys, so I've been trying to figure out a way so my script isn't impacted by cooldowns of another command. I want the less spammy scripts not be influenced by the cooldown of my Russian Roulette game and I'm looking for a way to do this for every individual command that I deem necessary.

on *:TEXT:!testing:#: {
  if (%TimerTest == off) {
    set %TimerTest on
    /timer1 1 10 /echo -a Cooldown over
    /timer1 1 10  msg $chan Command can be used again
    /timer1 1 10  set %TimerTest off
  else if (%TimerTest == on) {
    msg $chan Cooldown!

This is what I currently have, although it doesn't seem to work with every input I make it give me(Telling me the cooldown is over and the command can be used again) It also seems quite buggy, so I had to make myself a command to manually set %TimerTest to off.

Anyone have any suggestions or scripts that work for this purpose?