Objectively, I'd say that option 1 is the most intuitive. With respect to defining 'default', someone could also pass an empty parameter, like we already do for some identifiers to assert parameter positioning. $regsubex(,text,pattern,var)

  if     ($regsubex(,$parseline,/regex/g,\2\1,%p)) { noop }
  elseif ($regsubex(,$parseline,/regey/g,\2\3,%p)) { noop }
  elseif ($regsubex(,$parseline,/regez/g,\3\1,%p)) { noop }
  else   { return }
  parseline -ot %p

Question: Would you be adding support for &binvars if I asked pretty please? whistle blush

Last edited by Raccoon; 09/03/17 05:02 PM.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!