This is the whole script. It's not completed yet, I'm just trying to get the main script itself to work the way I want it to.

dialog quotebot {
title "Quote Bot Setup"
size -1 -1 160 240
option dbu
box "Quotes", 1, 8 4 145 121
box "Bot Owner", 2, 8 129 69 48
edit %qb-owner, 4, 16 140 50 10, center
button "Set", 5, 15 157 23 9
button "Reset", 6, 43 157 23 9
list 10, 13 13 135 89, size
button "Close", 11, 58 226 40 10, ok
button "Add", 13, 54 108 23 9
button "Delete", 15, 82 108 23 9
text "Quote Bot Script Made By Khaos", 3, 38 206 80 9, center
edit %qb-channel, 9, 94 140 50 10, center
button "Set", 12, 94 158 23 9
button "Reset", 14, 122 158 23 9
box "Quote Channel", 16, 84 129 69 48
text "", 17, 26 215 104 8, center
box "On/Off", 7, 8 178 145 23
radio "On", 8, 37 185 22 10
radio "Off", 18, 84 184 24 10

on 1:dialog:quotebot:init:0:{
$iif($isfile(shoutout.txt),loadbuf -o shoutout 10 quotes.txt)
did $iif(%qb-owner,-m,-n) $dname 4
did $iif(%qb-channel,-m,-n) $dname 9

on *:dialog:quotebot:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 13) { write quotes.txt $?="Add New Quote To The List") | did -r quotebot 10 | loadbuf -o quotebot 10 quotes.txt }
if ($did == 15) { write -dl $+ $did(10).sel quotes.txt | did -r quotebot 10 | loadbuf -o quotebot 10 quotes.txt }
if ($did == 5) { %qb-owner = $did(4) | did -m quotebot 4 }
if ($did == 6) { unset %qb-owner | did -n quotebot 4 | did -r quotebot 4 }
if ($did == 12) { %qb-channel = $did(9) | did -m quotebot 9 }
if ($did == 14) { unset %so-channel | did -n quotebot 9 | did -r quotebot 9 }

#qb on

timer 0 10 msg $chan $read(quotes.txt)

on !*:TEXT:!quote:%qb-channel: {
msg $chan $read(quotes.txt)

#qb end

alias qb {
$iif($group(#qb) == off,.enable,.disable) #qb | $iif($group(#qb) == on,echo * Khaos' Quote Script On, echo * Khaos' Quote Script Off)

Doing the quote trigger (!quote) works fine, but the timer itself does nothing.