This is the script I have now

on $*:text:*just gave you*:*:{
  if ($nick == bot) {
    writeini -n Points.ini $+($1) Points $calc($readini(Points.ini,$+($1),Points) + $5))
    msg # Thank you for investing $1 $+ ! You have invested in total $readini(Points.ini,$+($1),Points) points.
on *:text:!invest*:#:{
    if ((%floodpointcheck) || ($($+(%,floodpointcheck.,$2),2))) { return }
    set -u10 %floodpointcheck On
    set -u30 %floodpointcheck. $+ $nick On 
    msg # $nick has invested $readini(Points.ini,$+($nick),Points) total points.

So I would like to have a ranking system sort after how many points you have with a placement like 1, 2, 3.

Right now its


So it should say that Nick2 is Rank 1 and TUSK3N is Rank 2
Sorting after top points.

output= TUSK3N is Rank 2 with 100 total points invested.

Also a top3 names "!invest top"
1. Nick2: 200 points. 2. TUSK3N: 100 points.

It is also a problem when someone types !invest that isnt in the points.ini file it will still say the message without the points part. Could it reply that you havent invested any points.