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Posted By: TUSK3N Points system help. If 0 points and sorting. - 08/07/16 05:30 PM
This is the script I have now

on $*:text:*just gave you*:*:{
  if ($nick == bot) {
    writeini -n Points.ini $+($1) Points $calc($readini(Points.ini,$+($1),Points) + $5))
    msg # Thank you for investing $1 $+ ! You have invested in total $readini(Points.ini,$+($1),Points) points.
on *:text:!invest*:#:{
    if ((%floodpointcheck) || ($($+(%,floodpointcheck.,$2),2))) { return }
    set -u10 %floodpointcheck On
    set -u30 %floodpointcheck. $+ $nick On 
    msg # $nick has invested $readini(Points.ini,$+($nick),Points) total points.

So I would like to have a ranking system sort after how many points you have with a placement like 1, 2, 3.

Right now its


So it should say that Nick2 is Rank 1 and TUSK3N is Rank 2
Sorting after top points.

output= TUSK3N is Rank 2 with 100 total points invested.

Also a top3 names "!invest top"
1. Nick2: 200 points. 2. TUSK3N: 100 points.

It is also a problem when someone types !invest that isnt in the points.ini file it will still say the message without the points part. Could it reply that you havent invested any points.
I'm not sure on the top 3 and all, but this should work for the !invest with 0 points thing.

on *:text:!invest*:#:{
var %head = $ini(Points.ini,$nick)    
if ((%floodpointcheck) || ($($+(%,floodpointcheck.,$2),2))) { return }
set -u10 %floodpointcheck On
set -u30 %floodpointcheck. $+ $nick On 
if (!%head) { halt }
msg # $nick has invested $readini(Points.ini,$+($nick),Points) total points.
thank you that works but now top 3 and rank system would be good.
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