Thank you, some news :

  • the two describes are write on "statuts" channel, and not in the chan where we write.
  • the script don't work with me, only with other peoples oO So I can't use it, that's useless for me :x
  • the script don't reconize commands.

That's what I have on statuts channel :

[22:39:43] -> *mets* 1 balle dans le barillet puis le fait tourner
[22:39:43] -> *vise* prend et tire !
[22:39:43] 1 Unknown command
[22:39:43] 1 Unknown command
[22:39:43] mets No such nick
[22:39:43] vise No such nick

Edit : Ok, some news again.

I add $chan after the 2 describe, and it write it on the chan now. It made this :

[22:51:18] * @testeur prend Ceidus pour cible
[22:51:18] * @Ceidus mets 1 balle dans le barillet puis le fait tourner
[22:51:18] * @Ceidus vise prend et tire !
[22:51:18] <@Ceidus> CLICK! prend est chanceux, et survis pour cette fois.

It make like if "prend" is the nick, but it's not that (prend (french) = take (english))
And it doesn't work again with me, only with another people (testeur).

Last edited by Ceidus; 25/10/15 09:54 PM.