Please help improving this:
on *:text:!birthday *:#:{
var %nick = $iif($2,$2,$nick)
if ($isbday(%nick) == 1) {
msg # 13Today is $+(%nick,'s) birthday! 5Jayyy!!!
elseif ($v1 == 0) {
var %bday = $readini(bday.ini,nicks,%nick)
var %month = $gettok(%bday,1,45)
var %day = $gettok(%bday,2,45)

msg # 5 $+(%nick,'s) birthday is on day %day of %month : He must wait $duration($todate(%month,%day))) from now!!!
else {
msg # No birthday recorded for %nick

That returns message: Nick's birthday is on day 12 of month 2 : He must wait 35wks 6days 2hrs 9mins 5secs from now!!!

would like to replace the %month with the name something like:
if %month = 1 then %name = January | if %month = 2 then %name = February etc

To return: Nick's birthday is on day 12 of February : He must wait 35wks 6days 2hrs 9mins 5secs from now!!!

Last edited by raycomp; 05/06/15 08:22 PM.