A simple code i used a long time ago, maybe you can do something with it.
on *:nick: {
  if (%nflood.status == 1) && ($me isop $chan) {
    inc $+(-u,%nf.time) $+(%,nick,flood,.,$address($newnick,2)) 
    if ($($+(%,nick,flood,.,$address($newnick,2)),2) >= %nf.amount) {
      var %i = 0
      while (%i < $comchan($newnick,0)) { 
        inc %i
        if ($me isop $comchan($newnick,%i)) {
         echo -at ->> Trigger

How to set it up.

/set %nflood.status 1 < 1 = on , 0 = off.
/set %nf.time 10 < During how long time.
/set %nf.amount 3 < How many nick changes during the time set.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }